Back 2 the Water

Tackling swim disparity among marginalized groups.

The Problem

Swim disparity within the United States is a national crisis, resulting in increased drowning deaths and disproportionately affecting marginalized groups.

We aim to develop and create a culturally-sensitive approach that can serve as a blueprint to tailor to each group.

Swim Statistics: United States

37% of Black Adults

Report not knowing how to swim compared to 15% of all adults.

3.5x More AIAN People

American Indian and Alaska Native People (AIAN) are 2.7 times more likely to drown than their white counterparts of the same age (25-29 age group).

28% Increase

Children ages 1-4 are the age group with the highest rate of drowning, with a 28% increase between 2019 and 2022.

Go back to the water.

Dr. Tiffany Quash, Aquaphobia

Ongoing Collaborations

In collaboration with The Gallivanting Grandma

Reimagining the Swim Learning Process for

Women of Color Ages 50+.

Our assumption is that the lack of strong swimmers is due to mental and emotional barriers based on historical and cultural context, as opposed to less access to bodies of water. What are the real barriers?

Cultural sensitivity

Creating a safe and healing space that honors the historical and cultural ties that may lead us to (or keep us from) the water.

Addressing Water related Trauma

Enabling participants to conquer their fears and empowering them to heal their inner child.

Creating a blueprint

Creating a culturally conscious swim program to serve as a blueprint to address swim disparities among other groups.

What is your experience with the water?