
A decentralized, community-driven knowledge-base that aims to help you learn about social issues in bite-sized pieces with minimal bias.

Let's take back the narrative.

We aim create a neutral space that acts as a first base when someone is initially seeking information about a social issue, movement, or significant event related to a social issue.

Timeline of Events

View a timeline of events that help form the story for a social movement or issue.

View Supporting and Conflicting Views Side by Side

Learn the different perspectives from a neutral standpoint and form your own opinion.

Contribute and Build a Reputation

Make edits, request edits, and request pages to be sent for approval with a Contributor account.

It's all about conversations. You have to connect with people. You have to be vulnerable, so that people are willing to be vulnerable with you.

People need to see you as a human being.

Building Trust


No single authority can gain control.

Privacy First

We use progressive profiling for account creation so that we don't ask you for information that we don't need.

Transparency First

Our content involves heavy topics. We will strive to display the important details need for the user to make informed decisions about what they are reading.

Not For Sale

Our platform cannot be bought or succumb to ads to avoid influencing the validity of the content.


Case Study

Dec 13, 2022

From idea to concept, view the first case study for this project.